<aside> 🤖 Chat with AI, powered by ChatGPT-Turbo


What’s ChatGPT?

<aside> 🔥 ChatGPT is a powerful conversational bot powered by Open.AI’s research labs. ChatGPT is your go-to for intelligent and engaging conversations. Ask away and experience AI brilliance!


<aside> 🔥 With Fredo, you don’t need an ChatGPT account. Just send Fredo your request or prompt, beginning with the keyword “gpt” Like this:

WhatsApp Video 2024-01-22 at 14.01.49_f1e57adf.mp4


<aside> 💡 Pro Tip


***Note: When utilizing the GPT feature within a voice command, Fredo will reply with a voice message; conversely, if you interact using text, Fredo will respond in text format, ensuring communication remains intuitive and aligned with your chosen method.

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