Welcome to Fredo, the ultimate tool to help you organize your day, manage tasks, and boost your productivity. Below is a comprehensive cheat sheet that categorizes all the commands Fredo recognizes. Whether you're looking to streamline your schedule, manage your reminders, or simply make your day-to-day life more organized, this guide has you covered. Want to dive deeper? Explore our knowledge base to learn how to set up and use each of Fredo's features to their fullest potential. Let's enhance your productivity journey!

Productivity and Scheduling:

Command Action Description
‘remind’, ‘reminder’ Set Reminders Quickly set up reminders to keep track of your tasks.
‘snooze’, 'snooze for 1 hour', 'snooze till tomorrow' Modify Reminders Postpone reminders to better suit your schedule.
‘custom’ Custom Reminder Create personalized reminders for specific needs.
'view all reminders', ‘reminders’, 'reminders all', 'view all reminder' View Reminders Display all your active reminders in one place.
'cancel last reminder', 'cancel reminders', 'my reminders' Reminder Management Manage your set reminders, including cancellation and review.
'recurring reminder', 'reoccurring reminders', 'reoccurring' Set Recurring Reminders Create reminders that repeat at specified intervals.
‘block’, ‘blocktime’, 'time block', ‘timeblock’, ‘tb’ Time Blocking Allocate specific time blocks for focused work or tasks.
‘plan’ Daily Planning Let Fredo assist you in planning your day for optimal productivity.

Note Taking and Management

Command Action Description
'setup notes', ‘notes’, 'keep notes in Fredo' Notes management Manage your personal notes and ideas directly within Fredo.
'default', map, listmaps Notes options Organize your notes and maps for easy access and reference.
'notes-reset', 'reset note', 'reset notes', 'notes reset', 'note reset' Reset notes Clear your current notes and start fresh.

Communication and Sharing:

Command Action Description
remindafriend, 'i approve', 'remind a friend', 'remind me later' Remind a friend Set reminders for your friends and family through Fredo.
share Share content Easily share information or reminders with others.
contact, 'chat links' Manage contact Add, remove, or manage your contact list.
feedback, 'contact support', 'submit a bug' Provide feedback Report issues or provide feedback to improve Fredo.

Communication and Sharing:

Command Action Description
remindafriend, 'i approve', 'remind a friend', 'remind me later' Remind a Friend Set reminders for your friends and family through Fredo.
share Share Content Easily share information or reminders with others.
contact, 'chat links' Manage Contacts Add, remove, or manage your contact list.
feedback, 'contact support', 'submit a bug' Provide Feedback Report issues or provide feedback to improve Fredo.

Calendar and Time Management:

Command Action Description
calendar, 'connect calendar' Calendar Access Connect and manage your Google Calendar directly from Fredo.
tz, 'edit timezone' Timezone Settings Set or change your timezone for accurate event scheduling.
'add to calendar' Add to Calendar Directly add events or reminders to your calendar.

Information and Learning:

Command Action Description
'tl;dr', 'tldr:', 'tl dr', 'tldr;', 'tl,dr' Summarize Text Quickly summarize long texts to save time and grasp main ideas.
help, 'exploring', 'need help', 'try something else' Assistance Get help with Fredo's features or find out how to do something.
learn Learn About Fredo Discover how to make the most out of Fredo's features.
'more skills' Discover More Skills Explore additional features and capabilities of Fredo.
'unlock more features' Unlock Features Access additional, advanced features of Fredo.

Multimedia and Custom Commands:

Command Action Description
img Image Processing Process and analyze images directly in your chat.
ocr, txt, imagetotext Image to Text Convert text from images into editable, searchable format.
transcribe Voice to Text Convert your voice messages into text format for easy reference.
'convert to audio', audio, 'text to speech', 'text 2 speech', 'texttospeech', 'tts', 'narrate' Text to Speech Convert written text into spoken audio for listening.

Settings and Customization:

Command Action Description
settings Modify Settings Change and customize your Fredo settings according to your preferences.
delete Delete Commands Remove unwanted data or entries from Fredo.
mute, ignore Mute Notifications Silence notifications or ignore unwanted messages.

Hebrew Commands:

Command Action Description
'תזכיר', 'תזכורת' Set Reminders (Hebrew) Set up reminders in Hebrew.